Thursday, December 1, 2011

Studying Personality and Archtypes

Like I said before, this was not a normal class. At times, there were exercises that reminded me of kindergarten and conversations that seemed more like a group therapy session. One thing is for sure, The Art of Presentation class relied heavily on group participation. If your body was physically in class, you couldn't escape it. You were there for the 3 hour session and you liked it.

Lectures and desks allow for people to play with their cell phones & zone out in the back of the classroom. There was none of that going on here. In fact, we completely changed the classroom by moving all of the desks out of the way and arranging the chairs in a circular formation.

We were exposed to different ways of learning about our selves and each other which is pretty "new age" if you ask me.  I loved every bit of it. People are so different and learn in many different ways. Thinking about our behavior and how that shapes our intentions was the first step.

We looked into these 2 personality tests:

(Traditional) personality test
(Personality archetype system based on animals) Are you a beaver, fox, dolphin, or owl?

The next step was finding out about our passions and what makes us unique.

Who are you?
What makes you authentic?
What drives you mad?
What soothes your soul?


My Results:

H. I am an optimistic person who enjoys coming up with new and interesting things
to do. I have a very active mind that quickly moves back and forth between
different ideas. I like to get a global picture of how all these ideas fit together,
and I get excited when I can connect concepts that initially don’t appear to be
related. I like to work on things that interest me, and I have a lot of energy to
devote to them. I have a hard time sticking with unrewarding and repetitive tasks.
I like to be in on the beginning of a project, during the planning phase, when there
may be many interesting options to consider. When I have exhausted my interest
in something, it is difficult for me to stay with it, because I want to move on to
the next thing that has captured my interest. If something gets me down, I prefer
to shirt my attention to more pleasant ideas. I believe people are entitled to an
enjoyable life.
About this personality type

I strive to be OWL like, but live like a DOLPHIN


“The Idealists”

Want to create a family feeling
Intuitive about people
Big Picture
Saviors (cross species)
Vicious when personally attacked

Quest: Connect to people
Style: Collaborative
Achilles Heel: Guilt


“The Rationals”

Big Picture
Independent thinker
Stimulated by challenge

Quest: Competence
Style: Visionary
Achilles Heel: Incompetence 

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