Friday, December 2, 2011

Do something bogus (No phone)

Do something bogus; Like leave your phone at home.
Turn of your computer at night, it doesn't need to be on.
Leave your computer out of your room if possible.

Think about the quantities it takes you to be connected.

How many emails do you send in a day?
How many text messages do you send in a day?

How many conversations do you have that last over 8 minutes?

My phone is well known to die about 2 times a day. I am constantly charging it through the wall or plugging in into my car. It has become such a nuisance that yestday when the battery indicated yellow I decided I would just let it go and live without a phone for 4 hours. During that time I walked down Haight Street in and visited Safeway for some groceries. I came home, walked the dogs, fed the dogs, gave them their vitamins and left to attend a networking meeting at school.
Since I wasn't expected anywhere, I had a wrist watch, & I knew where I was going. I didn't seem to miss my phone at all. In fact, it was nice not to worry about charging it again.

I love the information at our fingertips but I have no problem stepping away and turning off my phone every now and then. It feels nice to get off of the grid out in the country or on an exclusive weekend trip. My relationship with my phone has become more distant from mindless searching and app savy pleasure and has shaped into tool for maps/directions ever use ever since I switched iphone to htc. I check voicemails through my email and call from my computer when I can before 7pm.

Take the Internet away from me for 4 days, and that's a little bit more uncomfortable.

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